Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Thanksgiving Dinner

Ms. Nell and Ms. Nancy

Ms. Paulette's Class (2 Pictures)

Ms. Lori's Class
Ms. Pam's Class

Today, we had a lot of Pilgrims and Indians come for Thanksgiving dinner. We had turkey, mashed potatoes, mac and cheese, green beans, corn, rolls, cranberry sauce, and cupcakes. We have been studying about Thanksgiving for a few weeks. Ms. Nell and Ms. Nancy served the good dinner. Thanks to each teacher who brought something good, and Ms. Nancy for the good chocolate pie. We wish you all a very Happy Thanksgiving.

Thanksgiving Dinner Pictures

Ms. Paulette's Class Makes Turkeys

Today Ms. Paulette's class made turkeys. First we colored our turkeys, then we glued very colorful feathers on. They looked pretty good when we finished. We wish you a very Happy Thanksgiving.

Ms. Pam's Class Learns about Thanksgiving

Ms. Pam was reading a story about Thanksgiving this morning when I visited her class. The children were coloring pictures of Pilgrim boys and girls. They proudly showed their pictures to me. Ms. Pam's class wishes you a Happy Thanksgiving.

Making Pumpkin Pie

Today Ms. Lori's class made pumpkin pie. In these pictures, you can see the students pouring the milk into the mixture. They all got to eat a piece of the pie for lunch. Ms. Paulette had a piece, also, and it was delicious. Ms. Lori's class wishes you a very Happy Thanksgiving.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Practing Our Christmas Program

Today was our first practice for our Christmas program, "The Nativity." We kind of learned where we will be standing, and everyone came to the microphone and said their part. Almost everyone knew their line. For a first practice, it went very well. Please tell all your family and friends about our program on December 7, at 6:00 P.M. It will be so sweet seeing Mary, Joseph, the Innkeeper and his wife, the angels, the brightest star, the shepherds, and the Wise Men tell the story of Jesus birth.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Learning About Thanksgiving

The three year classes are learning all about Thanksgiving. Ms. Lori's class was sitting by the big turkey and reading a Thanksgiving story. They told me what all they were going to eat for Thanksgiving dinner. Don't forget, we will be serving Thanksgiving dinner for the children here at Preschool on November 25.

Ms. Pam's class was making turkeys with their hand prints. They had painted their hand prints and were waiting for them to dry. Earlier this week, they had painted their foot prints for the Bible story about Jesus walking on water.

Making Ice Cream

Shake, Shake, Shake

Yum, Yum

Ms. Paulette's class is studying the letter I this week. Today, we made ice cream. Everyone had a bag with milk, sugar, and vanilla in it. Then we put the bag into a large bag of ice and salt. Then SHAKE, SHAKE, SHAKE. After a few minutes, everyone had their own ice cream to eat, and boy, was it good.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

More Tuesday Pictures

You can tell we really listened well today in these pictures.

Tuesday at Preschool

Today at Preschool, Ms. Marietta and Ms. Carrie from the Wilson County Extension Dept. came and told us about "The Safe Side". They showed a video and we learned lots of things to do to stay safe. We learned what to say if someone comes up to us in a store that we don't know. Ask ans see if they still remember what to say. The video was funny and taught lots of good things.

Thanks to Ms. Marietta and Ms. Carrie.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

More Horrible Hair Pictures

Horrible Hair Day

Ms. Paulette's class is studying the letter H this week, and today celebrated Horrible Hair Day. The children were adorable with their horrible hair.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Ms. Paulette's Class

We have been talking about the election for a couple of weeks. Kendal knew today that we live in the United States of America. With a little help, they knew George Bush was the President, and Lily knew both John McCain and Barrack Obama were running for President. Ms. Debbie, from the Woodman of the World had given us booklets about the USA, and red, white, and blue bracelets to wear. We had a voting booth, and everyone went into the voting booth, and voted for their choice for President. Barrack Obama got 9 votes, and John McCain got 2 votes.

Here is a picture of the preschoolers holding their ballot. Back row is Dakota Shipper, Allen Moss, Iris Farley, Kendal Bayse, Owen Laney, Brady Watts, and Haylee Smith. Front row is Brice Fountain, Alie Tunks, Micayla Goodall, and Lily McPeak. Shane Lorenzen is absent today. We hope he will be back on Thursday.

Ms. Nell is our aid for Preschool. She helps all of us, and is with the four year class a lot. I cannot begin to tell you how much she does for Little Lights, and how much we all appreciate her.

Ms. Pam's Class

Ms. Pam's class was learning the color pink when I visited them today. They were coloring pink things. Around the table is Bethany Luttrell, Kaitlyn Trusty, Dakota Mathis, Preslee Lamberson, Dalton Cherry, Hailey Birdwell, Addie Warren, and Samantha Lausier are all coloring. I have seen their coloring, and some can color very well.
Ms. Pam is a very loving, and creative teacher. She has great ideas and is an asset to our preschool. She has been here since the second year and we are grateful to have her as a teacher.