Thursday, January 22, 2009

Thursday, January 22

Today the four year old class read about Clifford going to the doctor. We talked about what the doctor does for us and all the instruments they use. Then we each made doctor's bags, and filled them with cotton balls, bandaids, and M&M pills.

Ms. Lori's class was having Show and Tell when I visited them. They had brought things that begin with the letter N.

Ms. Pam's class was having their morning snack when I went in to see them. Kaitlyn's mom had made something good for them to eat today. Both three year classes made necklaces on Tuesday,.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Lunch Pictures

Here are some pictures to show you how much we enjoy lunch. And we want to thank Ms. Nancy for coming each day to help us with lunch.

Mr. Mike Makes Music on "M" Week

Today, Mr. Mike (McMillin) came to sing with the classes for "Music " for "M" week. Mr. Mike is so good to do whatever we ask of him at Little Lights, whether it be singing, running our sound system for programs, playing a very special "person" for us at Christmas, whatever we ask. We appreciate you, Mr. Mike. Thanks for coming today and come again very soon. You are very special to us.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

I Miss Preschool

As most have heard by now, I haven't been able to be at Preschool because I have a VERY painful case of shingles. The doctor says I can come back in one more week--and I can't wait. I understand from Ms. Nell that everything is going quite well. We have a wonderful staff and I knew they would handle everything and they have. Thanks, Ms. Nell, Ms. Pam, Ms. Lori, and Ms. Nancy Close, who is helping out during lunch. I felt a whole lot better Thursday afternoon when Ms. Nell brought by 27 of the most beautiful get well cards. Some had handprints on them, and some has snowmen on them. I was quite impressed with the way some of the three year olds could write their names. Parents- you have a treasure in these children. Treasure every moment of their growing up years. Too soon, they will be grown and you will wonder where the years went. We love each one of them, and thank you so much for letting us share a part of their lives with you. Hopefully, I will get Ms. Nell to make some pictures this week to share with you. Please pray for me--I am much better but still in a lot of pain. Please tell your children that Ms. Paulette loves each one and misses them very much.