Friday, May 8, 2009

What a Busy Day

On Thursday, we had a very busy day. The weather cooperated with us and we were able to go on our field trip. First we visited the Post Office. We stood out front and said the pledge of allegiance to the "big" flag. Then we went inside, and each of us purchased a stamp and mailed our letter. After being made Junior Postmasters, we were taken into the back of the post office, so we could see what happens to our letters once we mail them. Mr. George was very helpful. We got to see the mail truck. After this, we walked to Ms. Nell's house and had a picnic in the back yard. We ran and played a while after lunch, and had a visit from Lady. Back to the rope, and off we went to Lulu's where Mr. Hunter and Ms. Dianna served us ice cream. When we arrived back at preschool, we laid on our blankets, and watched a movie until time to go home. What a busy, fun day.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

The Crooks Bring the Farm to Us

Rain, rain, rain. All the rain over the weekend--what in the world could we do about our visit to Ms. Nell's farm? Ms. Nell waited until Monday to decide there was just too much mud for a school bus to turn around at her farm. But leave it to Ms. Nell, she came up with a wonderful solution to our problem. Donna and David Crook brought the farm to preschool. In they rolled this morning with sheep, lambs, a goat and 2 baby goats, chickens, turkeys, a goose, ducks, baby ducks, chicks, and geese, birds, and I don't know what else was on that truck. Did we have fun petting all the animals, and feeding them? You bet, we did. Thank you so much Ms. David, and Ms. Donna. You made our day!