Thursday, October 30, 2008

More Party Pictures Part 2

More Party Pictures

Fall Party

Today was an exciting day for Little Lights. We dressed in our costumes, and held the rope and walked to the Library. On the way, Mr. Jim gave everybody a treat. When we got to the library, Ms. Alice read a spooky story. We love and appreciate Ms. Alice so much. She sent everyone a treat, also. Then we took a walk down to Lulu's Cafe to see Hunter. Afterwards, we paraded through the Wilson Bank and Trust, and went to the Depot Junction Cafe, where Ms. Debbie gave us all a treat bag.

When we got back to preschool, we had a parade around the Fellowship Hall to see who had the best costume. And---Everyone won!!!! We all got a prize for the best costume. We enjoyed a delicious lunch, and then played games. Everyone had a great time, and we thank all the parents who came and helped with the party. Thanks to everyone who sent food, and thanks to our Party Committee, for their hard work. Happy Halloweeen!!!!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Visitors at Little Lights

Ms. Becky and Ms. Lindsey

Officer Agee and Little Lights Students

Today we had several visitors come to Little Lights. First, Officer Agee from the Watertown Police Dept. came and talked to us about Halloween safety. He told us never to eat candy without our parents checking it first, and to always stay with an adult when Trick or Treating. He gave each child a goody bag with some candy inside, and told them to come by the police station on Halloween night for more candy.
Later, Ms. Lindsey Barnes, and Ms. Becky Lorenzen came and helped us make book marks that told us that Jesus loves us. They are in our folders today. Then they sang "Jesus Loves Me", using sign language with us.
Thanks to Officer Agee, Ms. Lindsey, and Ms. Becky for taking time to come and visit with us.
First Baptist is having Trunk or Treat on Halloween night, from 6:00 - 8:00. Bring the children by for lots of treats.
Party Thursday at 11:30. Send the costumes, and we will dress before the party.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Back To School

We all were very excited to be back in preschool today. Ms. Pam, Ms. Lori, Ms. Nell and I were all excited about our new shirts. We have a new four year old--Brady Watts. Everyone had a pumpkin to decorate. Ms. Pam's class is decorating their pumpkins in their picture. Ms. Lori's class is saying the Pledge of Allegiance, and Ms. Paulette's class is talking about the days of the week and the months of the year. We hope you parents had good break. Don't forget about the Fall Party next Thursday.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Buddy Bear Day

Each week, we study a new letter. We either bring something each Thursday that begins with that letter, or do something special with that letter. When we studied the letter B, we had Buddy Bear Day, when everyone brought their favorite bear. Each person told about their bear.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Grandparent's Day

On September 9, we celebrated Grandparent's Day. Every preschooler had either a grandparent, great-grandparent, or honorary grandparent present. After presenting a musical program, each preschooler at lunch with their grandparent, and gave them a small rememberance. We love and appreciate our grandparents.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Bro. Steve Reads

To celebrate the anniversary of Books from Birth, Ms. Peggy Simpson and Bro. Steve Mayle visited Little Lights. Books from Birth enable children to receive free books in the mail. Bro. Steve read several books to the children. They enjoyed his reading very much. Ms. Peggy presented the preschool with several books. Thanks to both Ms. Peggy and Bro. Steve.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Little Lights Visits the Library

On Tuesday, Sept. 30, we all held on to the rope and walked to the library. While at the library, the American Honey Queen read books to the preschoolers. She also told us a lot of interesting things about honey bees, and showed pictures. We enjoyed our first field trip. We will be walking back to the library on October 30 in our Halloween costumes for Ms. Alice to read to us.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Rascal Visits Little Lights

On Thursday, October 2, Ms. Julia Haun brought her dog, Rascal, to Little Lights. Rascal is a very talented dog, and can do many tricks. Some of the tricks he did was pray, push a buggy across the room, and each preschooler got to shake hands with Rascal. Everyone really had a good time with Rascal, and we thank Ms. Haun for bringing him to visit.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Welcome to Little Lights Stars

We are going to try something new--a blog. Hopefully, you can look at our blog every week and see what is happening at Little Lights. This week we walked to the library on Tuesday and the American Honey Queen read books to us. You should have seen us holding on to the rope. This was our first trip, and the children were perfect. On Thursday, Ms. Haun brought her dog, Rascal, to our Preschool. Rascal is a very smart dog, and could do several tricks. Each child shook hands with Rascal. When I learn to add pictures to the blog, I will put some on for you all to see. That will be my project over the two week break. Hope you have a great break. We are looking forward to it.