Thursday, February 12, 2009

Mailing Valentines

We mailed valentines today, first in our classroom, then we all gathered in the big room to mail other classes' valentines. We are so sorry that Zachary Barnes and Alie Tunks were sick today and couldn't be here, but Ms. Lori and Ms. Paulette took their boxes to be filled with valentines.

Party Fun

More Party Fun

The Valentine Party

What a great party. After a good lunch of popcorn chicken, fries, rolls, and fruit drink, (thanks Ms. Nell for cooking, and Ms. Nancy for helping serve), we had our party. Ms. Tiffany had planned several games and face painting, so we rotated around the room to do the different things planned. We all had a great time, and thank Ms. Tiffany, Ms. Bobbie, Ms. Beth, Ms. Kristie, and Ms. Krystal for your help with the games.

Making and Eating Banana Splits

The last thing we did at our party was making and eating banana splits. Boy, were they good. Thanks to the parents that brought goodies for the banana splits. And a special thanks to Sonic, and Ms. Beth for things they furnished. I think everyone enjoyed making and especially eating their banana splits.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

My Princesses

Princess Alie, Princess Haylee, Princess Iris, and Princess Lily. Aren't they beautiful?

Ms. Paulette's Pajama Party

What a day!!! This morning we did a little work. We made a "P"umpkin filled with P things. We read "March of the Penguins", then colored a "P"enguin. After lunch, we spread out our blankets, got goody bags filled with all kinds of things. One thing we got was a bouncy balloon. We all blew up the balloons, and had a lot of fun with them the rest of the afternoon. Wait--did I say we all blew them--I meant Ms. Paulette blew all of them up. The boys played with their balloons, while the girls became "P"rincesses. How beautiful they all looked with their makeup on, nails painted, and their crowns. We took a princess walk to the other classrooms. We watched a movie, while we ate "P"opcorn, "P"otato chips, and Cheese "P"uffs and juice boxes.

We had a great pajama party, and I have been on the couch ever since. It was a fun day for all.

Have a great rest of the week. Don't forget, no school Thursday, and Valentine party next Thursday. We missed Shane today and all of last week. He has been sick. We hope he is well and back next week.

Ms. Lori's Pajama Party

Ms. Lori's class was all excited about wearing their pajamas. They all wanted to show me what kind they were wearing. Ms. Lori was making "P" pancakes for P week. At lunch, they had "P"izza Rolls and "P"otato chips. They watch movies in their rooms and each got a bag of goodies. What a great party!

Ms. Pam's Pajama Party

Ms. Pam's class made "P"ancakes on a stick today for "P" week. They all were so cute in their pajamas. At lunch they had "P"izza rolls, Cheese "P"uffs, and "P"ineapple. They watched movies and made "P"opcorn. What a great day. We missed Kaitlyn, but hope she has a great time in Gatlinburg.

Ms. Nell

I just want all of you to know how much we appreciate Ms. Nell at Preschool. She and I have been best friends for many, many years. Her daughter, Carol, and my daughter, Michelle, were best friends all through school. Ms. Nell and I have a lot of stories to tell about our many adventures.

I was so happy when she retired at Watertown Elementary that she agreed to come to Little Lights as our Educational Assistant. She helps each one of us, but mainly works with the four year old class.

These pictures show some of the many things she does at Little Lights. While I was out sick, she stepped right up and taught the four year olds and did a wonderful job. I am so appreciative of that. She helps each child at lunch. She works individually with children who might need it. She does the pledge with the children, helps them write their names, even wipes faces when they have cupcake icing all over them.

I just want to say a big THANKS to Ms. Nell for all you do for us.