Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Ms. Paulette's Pajama Party

What a day!!! This morning we did a little work. We made a "P"umpkin filled with P things. We read "March of the Penguins", then colored a "P"enguin. After lunch, we spread out our blankets, got goody bags filled with all kinds of things. One thing we got was a bouncy balloon. We all blew up the balloons, and had a lot of fun with them the rest of the afternoon. Wait--did I say we all blew them--I meant Ms. Paulette blew all of them up. The boys played with their balloons, while the girls became "P"rincesses. How beautiful they all looked with their makeup on, nails painted, and their crowns. We took a princess walk to the other classrooms. We watched a movie, while we ate "P"opcorn, "P"otato chips, and Cheese "P"uffs and juice boxes.

We had a great pajama party, and I have been on the couch ever since. It was a fun day for all.

Have a great rest of the week. Don't forget, no school Thursday, and Valentine party next Thursday. We missed Shane today and all of last week. He has been sick. We hope he is well and back next week.

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